Xero training videos
Please scroll through and watch any Xero training videos that may help.
Xero is a great tool when used properly, and so we want you to know how to use it to its fullest potential. By creating these videos, you can watch over and over again in the privacy of your own office, and watch it alongside your Xero file.
Of course, if you have any specific questions please feel free to ask.
Xero have also put together some videos which are short and easy for new users to Xero:
Other videos you may be interested in:
Have something else that you would like explained in a video, phone call or article?
We are always expanding our library of information so you can have it all at your fingertips, and always interested in hearing what data will help you and your business.
Let us know what you’d like us to make a video about next!
Related Xero posts from our blog:

Help – I’m locked out of my Xero
We've heard this phrase multiple times, and it's specifically usually when a client has a new mobile phone.
Previously, you had to remove 2 step authenticator from your old phone before you got your new phone, and you no longer need to do…

4 reasons to switch to cloud based accounting
If you’ve been considering making the move to a cloud-based accounting system, you’re not alone. Cloud technology has impacted many business functions, including making managing financial aspects of your business easier and more efficient.

Don’t wait for disaster to innovate
This blog article is over on the Xero blog, and it's quite good, so we thought we'd share it over here too.
It's written by a New Zealander, but as Covid-19 is affecting us all it is still relevant. As we don't know if we will be back in…

Xero help: 2FA
We've had a few clients recently ask us about removing 2 factor authentication from their Xero files.
While 2 Factor Authenticator (2FA) or as it's called sometimes Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) is important for keeping your data secure,…

What is a BAS anyway?
We mostly deal with businesses who already are in business and therefore aware of what a BAS is, but if you are new to business and GST, you may be scratching your head as to what a BAS is, why you have to lodge it, and how. So we've found…

Get paid faster with these invoice tips
No one likes late payments from their customers. Late payments have a negative effect on cash flow. Chasing customers for payment takes valuable time. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to getting your invoices paid on time. Here…

100% true blue
There is something that was on our radar for our business goals, and that was to be completely Xero focused. We find the Xero platform superior over others and find it far more beneficial to be highly skilled with the best rather than some…

How to sign up to Xero and get the Vic digital rebate
The newest Victorian rebate is to help small businesses get online, sell online, or do more online.
This includes things like getting a website, and also signing up to Xero which is great.
Xero have explained how to go about doing…

Videos for new users to Xero
Xero have just created quite a few videos to help explain and go through some simple how-to's for those new to Xero. Worth a watch if you're new to Xero and still figuring things out.