
ChatGPT versus accountant: Showdown
It feels like AI truly are taking everything over. So, without exercising too much paranoia, we wanted to test the mettle of this latest innovation to take the world by storm, ChatGPT. Will it work with the Australian tax system, making…

When “Hi, Mum, I broke my phone” costs you a fortune
I got a text the other day “Hi Mum, I have broken my phone and I am using this number.”
The “Hi Mum” scam has exploded with more than 1,150 Australians falling victim to the ploy in the first seven months of 2022, with total reported…

Errors to avoid when setting up Payroll
Upgrading or changing your payroll system comes with a ton of wonderful benefits. Saving time and money, making everyone’s lives easier, and better integration are all good reasons to consider a change. But if the switch is mishandled,…

An update on the 120% deduction for skills training and technology costs
You may remember us posting about the 120% skills training and technology costs deduction in May as it was announced. (for a recap on that post, find it here).
The Government has reinvigorated the 120% skills training and technology costs…

Do I need a .au domain name?
You may have already heard about the new domain extension about to launch in Australia, but don't dismiss this news as unimportant.
If you are a business owner, (especially if you have a domain name) this impacts you.
Failure to…

Help – I’m locked out of my Xero
We've heard this phrase multiple times, and it's specifically usually when a client has a new mobile phone.
Previously, you had to remove 2 step authenticator from your old phone before you got your new phone, and you no longer need to do…

The 120% deduction for skills training and technology costs
It’s a great headline isn’t it? Spend $100 and get a $120 tax deduction. Days after the Federal Budget announcement that businesses will be able to claim a 120% deduction for expenditure on training and technology costs, we started receiving…

4 reasons to switch to cloud based accounting
If you’ve been considering making the move to a cloud-based accounting system, you’re not alone. Cloud technology has impacted many business functions, including making managing financial aspects of your business easier and more efficient.

Refining your Ecommerce pipeline
Businesses are increasingly moving online to expand their reach and provide the best possible experience to their customers. Being online, however, means more competition, so business owners must come up with ways to amp up their game to gain…

How to get your business back on track after lockdown
As you well know, the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a public health issue, it’s also caused lockdowns and resulting financial worries on a global scale.
In Melbourne alone, we've had 6 lockdowns over 2 years, tipping us over 200 days in…

Digital Adaptation Program extended
The Victorian Government's Small Business Digital Adaptation Program program provides $1200 rebates so small businesses can access a range of digital business tools.
The Victorian Government has partnered with 14 suppliers to help you build…

Don’t wait for disaster to innovate
This blog article is over on the Xero blog, and it's quite good, so we thought we'd share it over here too.
It's written by a New Zealander, but as Covid-19 is affecting us all it is still relevant. As we don't know if we will be back in…

Xero help: 2FA
We've had a few clients recently ask us about removing 2 factor authentication from their Xero files.
While 2 Factor Authenticator (2FA) or as it's called sometimes Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) is important for keeping your data secure,…

Get paid faster with these invoice tips
No one likes late payments from their customers. Late payments have a negative effect on cash flow. Chasing customers for payment takes valuable time. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to getting your invoices paid on time. Here…

How to mark emails as safe
We send various communications throughout the year, and it's important that you receive them.
Some email accounts can sometimes flag emails as spam accidentally, and we want to help make sure ours don't end up in that boat.
One thing we…

100% true blue
There is something that was on our radar for our business goals, and that was to be completely Xero focused. We find the Xero platform superior over others and find it far more beneficial to be highly skilled with the best rather than some…

How to sign up to Xero and get the Vic digital rebate
The newest Victorian rebate is to help small businesses get online, sell online, or do more online.
This includes things like getting a website, and also signing up to Xero which is great.
Xero have explained how to go about doing…

Videos for new users to Xero
Xero have just created quite a few videos to help explain and go through some simple how-to's for those new to Xero. Worth a watch if you're new to Xero and still figuring things out.

5 tips for working remotely (productively)
In the current climate, many businesses are needing to make changes to accommodate staff working remotely. If you are able to work from home the ensuing changes to your work habits can be challenging to negotiate, however there are things you…

Could you live without your mobile?
We love technology, but do you feel like you’re trapped to the constant pinging of your phone, busier than ever?
You’re not alone, with the trap of always being ‘on’ a curse of the modern day world.
A 2019 report from BankMyCell…

Adding a user into your Xero file
With all new clients we ask to add us as a user into your Xero file.
To help navigate this process we've created some screenshots to help explain how to do this:
1. Click on your Organisation name in the top left hand side of…

Data security: protecting your business
The recent Facebook scandal demonstrates how serious data security breaches can be, but they aren’t limited to large organisations. Is your business data secure?
Simply sending a file to the wrong person or leaving your phone in a taxi…

Productivity: Stop being so busy.
A smartphone buzzes in your pocket. Ten tabs sit stagnant in your browser. Unopened emails, newsfeeds and gifs all claw for your attention. This is the plague of distraction. And in our efforts to always be ‘on’ our actual productivity…

Xero expenses
If you have a Xero account for your business and you have staff that are constantly purchasing business related things without a company credit card, the app Xero Expenses is fantastic.
Instead of asking staff to keep their receipts, giving…

What is 2 step authentication?
Over the last year or so, there have been more and more websites asking for us all to set up 2 step authentication, Xero included.
But what is it anyway, why do we need it, and how do I set it up with my Xero account?
Cyber security…

Have you heard of STP?
Single Touch Payroll or STP is a new system whereby all employers are required to submit payroll data to the ATO on the same day that they pay their employees.

Blockchain, Bitcoin & other Cryptocurrencies: What you need to know
Blockchain. Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies. You’ve probably heard these words popping up more and more often around your office water-cooler, but what do they mean? Let us explain.
Blockchain, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are some…