
Your company isn’t a bank account: loan to a business right
You're finally your own boss, and in its early days, the business needs upstart funds. Such as a loan to a business, to sustain it until it finds its own feet. But you can't move funding sources in and out like in a bank account, and the ATO…

Is my business idea a good one?
5 steps to test your business idea
When you’re in business for long enough, you’ll likely come up with new ideas you want to try. Innovation is important for your company to grow, to diversify its income, and to attract new customers.…

Business plan template
Happy New Year!
If you are excited about the new year and the possibilities that it brings, we have a gift for you.
A new year is a great time to sit back and reflect, and then improve your business.
Whether you are thinking about starting…

How much cash does my business need?
Your business needs cash. Cash is what keeps your company in operation and enables it to grow, so you should know how much cash your business needs to survive. Although many people think the answer is linked solely to operating expenses, this…

Business structuring webinar recording
Business structuring, while a dry topic, is important.
We recently held a webinar going through the ins and outs of the different business structures available in Australia, and the pros and cons for each.
Whether you are setting up a new…

What is a Stapled Super Fund?
There's a change to superannuation that means to comply with 'choice of fund' rules you might need to do something extra when a new employee starts to work for you.
Previously, if a new employee doesn't choose their own super…

Business Growth Checklist available
We have just created a new business download that is quite helpful.
Over at Optimised Accounting, we love checklist, and if you do too feel free to download this tool.
Once your business is up and running, it’s important not to rest…

Separating personal and business expenses
There are some things in life that go together well and others that definitely do not. Business and personal finances are in the category of items that should not be mixed. Although it may seem like a headache to keep them separate—who…

3 consequences of avoiding your bookkeeping
If you ask 100 business owners what they like least about running a business, chances are good that bookkeeping will rank high on the list. It’s an annoying and frustrating chore that takes up a lot of time and is easy to put off until tomorrow.

2021 Due dates
Business due dates available as download.
Updated posters available
The last 2 years Optimised Accounting created and distributed a poster for business owners to see at a glance the important due dates for businesses.
Now that all of…

Xero help: 2FA
We've had a few clients recently ask us about removing 2 factor authentication from their Xero files.
While 2 Factor Authenticator (2FA) or as it's called sometimes Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) is important for keeping your data secure,…

Buying a business
Many of us dream of running our own business, with all the independence and satisfaction that offers. While striking out on your own can be personally and financially rewarding, getting off to a good start is crucial to success.
So if…

What is a BAS anyway?
We mostly deal with businesses who already are in business and therefore aware of what a BAS is, but if you are new to business and GST, you may be scratching your head as to what a BAS is, why you have to lodge it, and how. So we've found…

Get paid faster with these invoice tips
No one likes late payments from their customers. Late payments have a negative effect on cash flow. Chasing customers for payment takes valuable time. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to getting your invoices paid on time. Here…

What happens if you don’t pay your super on time?
In the past, monitoring of superannuation payments was not as stringent as it is now. If employees did not regularly read their super statements or check their balances, it is entirely possible that super could go unpaid - and unnoticed by the…

Your car log book: what you need to prepare
Using your car for work purposes? Here's what you need to record depending on the method used, including your car log book, what you can claim and for how long.
If you're an employer, read our FBT guide and how to ease the process of…

The essential things you need to do to move to self employment – a podcast
Shaun recently sat down with Paul Benson to talk about making the move to self employment.
Have a business idea, think you can do things better than your boss, or ready to take your side-hustle to the next level?
Have a listen to this…

Four business hurdles that trip up first timers
Whether you’re keen to start monetizing a passion project, or want to finally escape office politics and run your own show, here are four issues that regularly trip up new business owners.
Starting your own business is an exciting time.…

Create a business budget in seven simple steps
You’ve got clients, you’re making money and you’re paying the bills. But if you don’t have a budget, how do you know your business is on track?
Many businesses make the mistake of not creating a budget, either because they don’t know…