
Offset vs Redraw
Shaun Farrugia recently created this video to explain a question that was on a few of our clients lips.
Watch below to hear the difference between an offset and a redraw account on your home loan. This is a question we do get very often,…

What is debt recycling?
We all know that recycling is great for the environment. But debt recycling? Well, if done right, that could be great for your own little patch of planet earth.
There are three things that many Aussie property owners wish they could do:…

Are you flushing money down the drain by putting off refinancing?
Every year thousands of Aussie families flush their hard earned dollars down the gurgler because they put off the simple act of refinancing their mortgage. If you’re overdue, rest assured that it’s much easier than you may think!

How to save for a first home deposit
So you’ve decided to finally take the plunge and start saving for a deposit to buy your first home? Here’s a few handy tips to get you started.
Saved for a holiday before? Or a car? What about TV or computer?
The good news is that…

Using your super fund to save for your first home
For most first home buyers, the property market can seem like a tough nut to crack. But today we’ll look at a new super scheme that makes it a whole lot easier to save for a deposit.
Heard of the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme?

What you need to know before buying your second property
Whether it’s as an investment asset or a holiday home, buying your second property poses a unique set of challenges. Here’s what you should consider.
Australians love property, and it’s not difficult to see why. Property is seen…

Lending restrictions could soon ease
Financing options for homebuyers could open up once more with the federal government suggesting that lending restrictions could be eased if property prices fall sharper than expected.
Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison says the government…

Why it might be time to consider a principal-and-interest home loan
Australians have gravitated towards the benefits of interest-only home loans in high numbers in years gone by. But a raft of changes mean it might be a good time to start looking into the principal-and-interest option instead.
In Australia, four…

Regulator to crack down on home loan lending standards
It could soon become harder for Aussie families to secure a loan directly from lenders, with the prudential regulator warning people to prepare for a crackdown on lending standards.
APRA’s main concern is that banks and other lenders…