
Your company isn’t a bank account: loan to a business right
You're finally your own boss, and in its early days, the business needs upstart funds. Such as a loan to a business, to sustain it until it finds its own feet. But you can't move funding sources in and out like in a bank account, and the ATO…

Can my SMSF invest in property development?
Australians love property. The lure of a 15% preferential tax rate on income during the accumulation phase, and potentially no tax during retirement, is enticing for SMSF trustees. It encourages them to pursue the dream of large returns…

Rental Property Reporting Blitz
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a full-on assault on rental property owners who incorrectly report income and expenses.
The ATO’s assessment, based on previous data matching programs, is that there is a tax gap of…

Are you flushing money down the drain by putting off refinancing?
Every year thousands of Aussie families flush their hard earned dollars down the gurgler because they put off the simple act of refinancing their mortgage. If you’re overdue, rest assured that it’s much easier than you may think!

Putting the property price dip into perspective
Sure, the value of the average Australian home may have fallen for nine consecutive months, but it’s far from doom and gloom. Let’s put it all in a bit of perspective.
It’s easy to see a headline such as “Australian dwelling…

How to save for a first home deposit
So you’ve decided to finally take the plunge and start saving for a deposit to buy your first home? Here’s a few handy tips to get you started.
Saved for a holiday before? Or a car? What about TV or computer?
The good news is that…