
What is Audit Insurance?
As part of our products and services, we offer Audit Insurance to all of our clients (both business and individual).
We partner with Accountancy Insurance for this product as they seem to have the most well rounded and competitive policy.…

Am I taxed on an insurance payout?
Australia has had its fair share of disasters over the last few years – drought, bushfires and floods – that have ramped up the volume of insurance claims. Most people would assume that if and when they need to claim on their insurance,…

What is key person insurance?
What happens if a key employee or one of the part-owners in your business becomes critically ill or dies? It’s a question nobody likes to think about. In fact, only six per cent of Australian small businesses have insurance to safeguard their…

Weighing up the cost of risk – insuring your business
Running your own business can be rewarding, but there is also risk involved when you put your own money and reputation on the line. What would you do if your shop was destroyed by fire, a client sued over advice you gave, or your business was…

Tradies: how does your insurance measure up?
As a tradie, you are largely dependent on your physical ability to earn a living. So, what would happen if you fell ill or had an accident? Would you be able to continue your current lifestyle?
Most tradies work in a far more dangerous…

Life Insurance explained, minus the sombre tones
*Cue foreboding music and melodramatic voiceover.* “What would happen to your loved ones if you were unable to look after them?” Though the ads are often overly dramatic, life insurance can play an important role for some families.