Can my SMSF invest in property development?
Australians love property. The lure of a 15% preferential tax rate on income during the accumulation phase, and potentially no tax during retirement, is enticing for SMSF trustees. It encourages them to pursue the dream of large returns…
House flipping tax incoming: a taxpayer claims a loss on her home
Flipping houses is a popular way, thanks to TV shows, for Australians looking for a profit renovating a property in order to sell it in the short term. But the reality is less glamorous: taxpayers may soon have to pay a house flipping tax…
Do you pay taxes when selling a house that’s your home?
Everyone knows you don’t pay taxes when selling a house in which you live…right? We take a closer look at the main residence exemption that excludes your home from capital gains tax and the triggers that reduce or exclude that exemption.
Don’t blow the budget on your next property purchase
You know how it goes. You see that dream property you’ve just got to have, and then next minute, the budget is in smithereens. Well, at least that’s what happens to almost a quarter of home buyers. Here’s how to keep a lid on your…
What you need to know before buying your second property
Whether it’s as an investment asset or a holiday home, buying your second property poses a unique set of challenges. Here’s what you should consider.
Australians love property, and it’s not difficult to see why. Property is seen…