
Rental Property Reporting Blitz
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a full-on assault on rental property owners who incorrectly report income and expenses.
The ATO’s assessment, based on previous data matching programs, is that there is a tax gap of…

Instant Asset Write Offs (IAWO) capped to $20k again
From 1 July 2023 until 30 June 2024, the Government will change the instant asset write-off threshold to $20,000.
Previously, 'small' businesses under a turnover of $500 million, could immediately deduct assets acquired from 6 October 2020…

Slower asset write offs, some tweaks & changes to tax, and more money for ATO compliance!
Last year we had a double deal of government budgets, and without even coming full circle yet, it's time for this year's budget.
Businesses have limitations and compliance warnings to be aware of,…