Travel for work – what can I claim?
This is a question that we get quite often. Everyone likes to hope that they can go overseas and claim it as a business expense. But can you?
The short answer is sometimes, yes. But often not the entire trip.
Firstly there needs to…

Weirdest tax deductions revealed
Would you claim the Lego you bought for your kids throughout the year as a tax deduction?
One taxpayer did and it made the Australian Taxation Office’s 2018-19 list of most unusual claims.
The Lego was not the only claim for money spent…

FBT and Uber style ride sharing
When an employee uses a taxi service for travel to or from work or if the employee is sick, it is generally exempt from Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) under the FBT taxi travel exemption.
The question is, what about Uber and other ride sharing services,…

Confusion over personal income tax changes – what are you really entitled to?
In early July all three stages of the Government’s personal income tax plan passed through Parliament and are now law. The amendments to the legislation are as follows:
The income tax rate thresholds to be progressively increased in the…

Own an investment property?
Get ready for tax time
Tax time has arrived, and we have put together some practical information to help rental property owners prepare and lodge your tax return this year.
There are helpful resources available for rental property…

1st July changes: what you need to know
As of 1st July 2019 there were some changes that came into affect. This includes:
Insurance inside Superannuation funds
We let you know the tax tip-offs from the ATO
Laundry expenses are going to be reviewed
Who owns the assets…

Tax from your couch 2019
Life is busy – we not only get it, but this year we are actually embracing it by making a way to do your tax without actually coming in.
This year we have introduced a new way of doing tax. From your couch. Yep you heard that right.

June tax tips
Throughout June we will be sharing some tax tips for businesses this coming tax time.
These will be short and sweet and we hope you will learn something for this upcoming tax season.
1. Working from home
If you don’t have a dedicated…

What are PAYG Instalments?
PAYG Instalments, something that alot of our clients get confused about.
Pay as you go instalments (PAYG) get issued by the ATO, and you get sent a welcome or adjusted letter.
But do you understand it? Shaun Farrugia explains all you need…

Phone tax appointment
We know you're busy, if you'd like to have your tax appointment by phone or Zoom that is easy to do. We explain what we need you to email through to us prior to your appointment.

Don’t blow it. Make the most of your tax refund
Most Australians receive a tax refund, but not all spend it wisely. Here’s how to make the most of your tax windfall – and not blow it all in Bali.
It's now October, and we have already lodged most of our clients individual tax returns.…

What makes your debt tax deductible?
There are two kinds of debt in this world: the kind that is tax deductible and the kind that isn’t.
Knowing the difference, and planning your purchases accordingly, can significantly improve your cashflow, opportunities and overall…

Could you benefit from salary sacrificing?
Keen for a new laptop, car, or even an airport lounge membership? Sick of putting your hand in your pocket for school fees, the rent or your mortgage? All of these things could be paid for through a salary sacrifice arrangement.

Do you know what you can and can’t claim?
Taxpayers are being put on notice by the ATO, which will be paying close attention to claims for ‘other work-related expenses’ this year.
Ensuring you have appropriate records, and sound advice, will be more important than ever for…

Dissecting the PM’s Tax cut teaser
You may have heard the PM drop a big hint earlier this week that tax cuts are coming for middle-income Aussie families. However it was all very light on detail, so here’s what to make of it.
In case you missed it, here’s the tidbit…

Individual Tax Deductions Checklist
Can you believe it's tax time again already?
As we aren't holding in person tax return appointments this year, all information will be collected using our Tax From Your Couch.
If you'd like to gather your information in a spreadsheet prior…

2017 Budget wrap-up
We have put together a summary of the key tax and financial changes that were announced in last night’s federal budget.
This was Scott Morrison's 2nd budget and is focused on increased transport infrastructure spending which will support…

Your 2 minute guide to the tax and super changes that affect you and your business.
Below is a summary of the key tax and superannuation changes that were announced in this years federal budget.
There are some wins for business – aimed to stimulate ‘Jobs & Growth’ which was this year's slogan.
There are plenty…