Keep up with your BAS due dates in 2023 with a Free Calendar!
Keeping up with all your business' BAS due dates gets complicated fast. PAYG, Payroll tax, BAS, superannuation... and dog's breakfast. Keep scrolling to untangle the chaos with our due date calendar, structured and clear so you know what to…

Help – I’m locked out of my Xero
We've heard this phrase multiple times, and it's specifically usually when a client has a new mobile phone.
Previously, you had to remove 2 step authenticator from your old phone before you got your new phone, and you no longer need to do…

What is Director ID?
In its 2020 Budget Digital Business Plan, the Australian government announced the full implementation of the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program. The program is designed to both establish the new Australian Business Registry Services…

2021 Due dates
Business due dates available as download.
Updated posters available
The last 2 years Optimised Accounting created and distributed a poster for business owners to see at a glance the important due dates for businesses.
Now that all of…

Xero help: 2FA
We've had a few clients recently ask us about removing 2 factor authentication from their Xero files.
While 2 Factor Authenticator (2FA) or as it's called sometimes Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) is important for keeping your data secure,…

What is a BAS anyway?
We mostly deal with businesses who already are in business and therefore aware of what a BAS is, but if you are new to business and GST, you may be scratching your head as to what a BAS is, why you have to lodge it, and how. So we've found…

Get paid faster with these invoice tips
No one likes late payments from their customers. Late payments have a negative effect on cash flow. Chasing customers for payment takes valuable time. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to getting your invoices paid on time. Here…

How to mark emails as safe
We send various communications throughout the year, and it's important that you receive them.
Some email accounts can sometimes flag emails as spam accidentally, and we want to help make sure ours don't end up in that boat.
One thing we…

Videos for new users to Xero
Xero have just created quite a few videos to help explain and go through some simple how-to's for those new to Xero. Worth a watch if you're new to Xero and still figuring things out.

What happens if you don’t pay your super on time?
In the past, monitoring of superannuation payments was not as stringent as it is now. If employees did not regularly read their super statements or check their balances, it is entirely possible that super could go unpaid - and unnoticed by the…

2020 Business due date calendar
On the back of the popularity of last years due date calendar, we have created a new one for this year.
We usually hand out these posters during pre-EOFY tax planning sessions, however this year these were done on Zoom.
If you would like to get your hands on one of these posters, please let us know.

Your car log book: what you need to prepare
Using your car for work purposes? Here's what you need to record depending on the method used, including your car log book, what you can claim and for how long.
If you're an employer, read our FBT guide and how to ease the process of…

Adding a user into your Xero file
With all new clients we ask to add us as a user into your Xero file.
To help navigate this process we've created some screenshots to help explain how to do this:
1. Click on your Organisation name in the top left hand side of…

Christmas is coming – avoid being stung by FBT
Don’t want to pay tax on Christmas? Here are our top tips to avoid giving the Australian Tax Office a bonus this festive season.

Xero expenses
If you have a Xero account for your business and you have staff that are constantly purchasing business related things without a company credit card, the app Xero Expenses is fantastic.
Instead of asking staff to keep their receipts, giving…

What is 2 step authentication?
Over the last year or so, there have been more and more websites asking for us all to set up 2 step authentication, Xero included.
But what is it anyway, why do we need it, and how do I set it up with my Xero account?
Cyber security…

Travel for work – what can I claim?
This is a question that we get quite often. Everyone likes to hope that they can go overseas and claim it as a business expense. But can you?
The short answer is sometimes, yes. But often not the entire trip.
Firstly there needs to…

Have you heard of STP?
Single Touch Payroll or STP is a new system whereby all employers are required to submit payroll data to the ATO on the same day that they pay their employees.

Individual Tax Deductions Checklist
Can you believe it's tax time again already?
As we aren't holding in person tax return appointments this year, all information will be collected using our Tax From Your Couch.
If you'd like to gather your information in a spreadsheet prior…